Setting up VorpX for the Vive

Homepage Forums Technical Support Setting up VorpX for the Vive

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  • #171918

    I’m still new to VorpX.
    But how can I set up my Vive to use with VorpX?

    What do I have to pick in Device selection?
    It shows:

    Generic VR Headset (extended Mode)
    Oculus Rift
    Oculus Rift Devkit 2

    When selecting Generic VR Headset it doesn’t seem to work and I see the double screens on my games.

    Also do I have to be inside or outside of SteamVR.
    Neither seems to work.


    There should also be a “Steam VR” entry in the device list, which is the right one for your Vive. If it is missing, please reinstall vorpX.


    It was missing. I reinstalled VorpX and now it shows up.

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