Severe eyestrain when using VorpX

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    I’m using VorpX and finding the eyestrain very bad. I can’t play games for more than a few minutes. Has anyone else experienced similar issues? I don’t experience any problems using the Rift with native supported games and can play for hours.

    Steps I’ve taken:
    1) Made sure game resolution and Rift resolution is 1920 x 1080.
    2) Made sure games are played full screen.
    3) Used the VorpX IPD too (2mm off from measured IPD).
    4) Tried using several different ranges of IPD to see if more relief is offered.
    5) Tried lowering the 3D effect.

    Are there any other settings that I am missing?

    Thank you in advance for your help.


    I think this has nothing to do with vorpx… Do you wear glasses?


    Thanks for the suggestion. No, I don’t wear glasses. I am still convinced it is a setting or some sort that I don’t have configured right related to IPD/3D convergence.

    If it was related to having bad vision wouldn’t I experience eyestrain when using the Rift all the time? The games I don’t have to use VorpX for don’t cause an issue at all. I can even use a pretty wide range of IPD in the Oculus configuration tool before I run into issues.

    Is there some type of demo outside of the IPD tool in VorpX (like the Oculus desktop) that I can view to see if I have the same problem?

    Thanks again.


    There are lots of démos on that don’t require vorpx. Many oculs-ready games are on the market as well… (DCS, Alien Isolation, War Thunder which if free to play…) Haven’t you tried any ?


    Yes definitely – I’ve tried many demos, and I’ve been using the Oculus full time to race in iRacing, Assetto Corsa, RRE, and other games that support the rift. I have no issues with eyestrain using these games.

    I only have issues with VorpX. I’m using it with F12012 currently. I was hoping to find a VorpX specific game or demo that is known to work well that I can compare results with.

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