Can anyone tell me how to get SOTTR to use a custom nvidia resolution that I created, without having to actually go into my windows settings and change my resolution to that res each time I run the game? I can get it to work if I change my desktop res, but I’d like to keep my desktop res at 1920×1080, and run SOTTR at 3200×2400. If I don’t change my windows settings, the 3200×2400 does not show up in the list of resolutions in SOTTR.
How does SOTTR run at 3200×2400? What fps are you getting? ASW enabled/disabled? Are you playing full VR or immersive? I assume you have at least a 1080ti system.
Reason I ask is I haven’t yet bought SOTTR. Interested in how it performs. Although, I just noticed there is a trial version which I have downloaded just now. Will try soon, once I have time away from other VR things.