should I sell Vive Pro for HP Reverb for Vorpx?

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    will it look a ton better?
    how about tracking?
    and will it work inn vorpx better?
    how about Steam controllers in regular VR games? non Vorpx?


    I own a HP Reverb it’s great for seated sim type games and it’s very clear but there are a few things you need to know this headset requires a state art PC to run since this is Windows Mixed Reality Windows must be up to date.

    Another the controllers aren’t that good the biggest problem for me is the battery lid keeps off playing games like Beat Saber.

    Below are my specs and I can’t play Dirt Rally 2 with SS turn on
    R9 3900
    64 GB Ram
    Aorus 2080 ti xtreme


    I get the system needs to be top , i guess i am wondering what would be giving up selling the vive pro. Its it importand to get the reverb pro? Or also the second release?



    In the US if you order on Amazon it’s the version 2 headset with the clip when I ordered the unit on Amazon the regular version was the only unit available.


    thanks so should i switch out to reverb from vive pro?


    I have a Reverb but have not seen the Vive Pro (have an original vive). As much as I love my Reverb, you may be disappointed with the vibrancy of the colors vs the pro (from what I hear). I did get the Reverb for vorpx (and Netflix) because of the resolution bump and increased comfort, but you get halfway there with the pro with the benefit of rich colors. If you go to Reverb, for vr titles, you lose the sbility for wireless and playing in the dark with perfect tracking. I can’t tell you what to do, but I personally would be hesitant because not sure the change will knock your socks off (but from the original vive without the DAS, it was a no-brained for me). Hopefully, someone with a pro and a Reverb can chime in. Sorry if this was useless commentary…


    I own the Samsung Odyssey Plus and HP Reverb the Samsung Odyssey Plus is the same resolution as the Vive Pro and the HP Reverb is much clearer then the Samsung Odyssey Plus.

    As stated there are drawbacks with the HP Reverb tracking, lighting and controllers.

    For seated games the HP Reverb can’t be beat.


    nice thanks


    I’d rather have a reverb because of the high resolution and specs.But it too requires a more powerful gpu.Almost guaranteed to give you some trouble playing games compared to a vive pro.The pro has been doing vr for years with vive and htc.But Hp is fairly new to vr.Still me I would get a reverb because its more rare and the highest specs in vr.The hp is wmr too so not a promise to work on everything but you too get exclusive wmr content,steamvr and oculus titles with revive.


    I tried my quest today with the pc link update and it works fine for vorpx but with playing gta5 in vr the odyssey first gen is much smoother and clearer and requires less hardware.Oculus always pulls more out of the pc and its heavier on my gpu than wmr.Its ironic that a better image and smoother experience on my odyssey runs on less hardware or tare but oculus puts out a more cloudy image but overheats my gpu.


    Seeing HP Reverbs on ebay pretty dam cheap it might be worth the test. I was thinking of getting the 2.0 base stations for the pro but those would be even more than the Reverb almost. or maybe 2020-2021 brings in 4k VR? Also the 3080 series cards might take us over the top ?


    I would do your research first before jumping on the ebay bid. Realize there was an HP 1.0 build that had more issues.

    I hesitate to tell you to sell the vive pro for the reverb. You must have spent a pretty penny on that, and it should be the better all round headset the vive. There are definitely downsides to the Reverb, so please know what you are getting before deciding. Keep both if you can. Reverb is great for vorpX, if resolution is most important to you.


    Seeing HP Reverbs on ebay pretty dam cheap it might be worth the test. I was thinking of getting the 2.0 base stations for the pro but those would be even more than the Reverb almost. or maybe 2020-2021 brings in 4k VR? Also the 3080 series cards might take us over the top ?

    Make sure your if you purchase from Ebay the Reverb is revision 2 the first one have problems also the reverb is true 4K VR (4320×2160) and if you purchase used I don’t think the warranty transfers to the new owner.


    good advise thanks, ver 1.0 i bet that is what the cheaper ones are..


    shoot how can you tell version 1 from 2 in the ebays?

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