can any one pls tell me, how the looks of the VR versions is compared the regular SSE version in G3D
Do we have only z buffer like graphics or G3D like?
Native VR looks better. The engine for Skyrim VR is super fast. I maintain max 90 just about everywhere. Why couldn’t they just make the game that way in the first place. All of a sudden they want to push a VR product and they make the engine efficient. Bethesda… always focusing on the console players.
The only reason to use VorpX on Skyrim is the mods that are still only on LE. You can’t use an ENB with G3D, any preset causes flickering when moving so they’re unusable, and I don’t think Boris cares to fix something like that when official VR version is out there. You can use Z3D with graphics presets without any problems, but there stereoscopic effect is poor and has some artifacting to boot.
there is one HUGE reason to play skyrim in VR using vorpx, it’s called enderal mod from sureai team, i played this mod from start to finish in VR with vorpx and it was truly an epic experience. i highly recommand it !