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    I got Skyrim working with vorpx last night, but it doesnt really look right. It looks more like im seeing a non 3d 360 video. I have the 3d mode set to geometry. Any suggestions?

    Edit: I’d also like some suggestions on which mods I should be using to make the UI better in VR and what vorpx settings other people are using.


    Wont let me edit. This is on my CV1.


    Things aren’t always perfect on first running a game in VorpX. Have a look at the ‘Essential Hints (READ THIS)’ section of the VorpX Config (right-click the VorpX notification icon). Maybe there’s something in there that you’ve missed?


    I took a read though that and I’ve got the 3D effect working pretty well. I’m still having issues getting head tracking right and the frame rate is a bit choppy. I’ve got everything on low settings and the only mod im using is SkyUI. My system is an i5 4590, 8gb ram, and an nvidia gtx980.


    “getting head tracking right” – Is it working at all or just poorly ??? I find the HT sensitivity is very touchy and changing it by 0.1 can significantly change the feel.
    I use 0.75 but it depends on your mouse sensitivity and mouse acceleration (and multi-thread input)

    As for frame rate I have a gtx980 and AMD athlon 4 860K. My frame rate in GEO 3D is not that great either (25-55fps exteriors and 50-75fps in interiors). I am not sure if anyone really gets a solid constant 75fps with skyrim so disappointing as it may sound you may want to try z-buffer 3D.

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