SkyrimSE and Fallout 4 not hooking anymore

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    i have been playing for like three weeks skyrim native vr. Now i wanted to start skyrimse and playing vorpx version again. The games havent been modded since the last time vorpx was up an running. Fallout 4 and skyrim wont hook if started from skse or f4se. The last update seems to have change somthing. The game started from within the skyrim or fallout4 folder works,, why would a modded game not hooking anymore?


    No problem here with both games. Hooking issues almost certainly are caused by some conflict with another program on your PC that also hooks into games. If you haven’t done so already, please check the pinned trouble shooting guide on top of this sub forum for more details on the matter.

    If you happen to run your games with admin rights (e.g. by running Steam as admin), please make sure that vorpX also has admin rights. Otherwise in can’t access games that are running as admin.

    In case of modded games please always check first whether any issue you encounter also occurs with the unmodded game, this is particulalarly important for any potential graphics enhancing mods you may have installed since those might hook the same Direct3D functions that vorpX hooks.


    So got it up again. I needed to run vorpx es alternative hooking method . Futher after i tested the games i recognized extreme poor quality and shifting of the image. The reason was upon updating vorpx, vprpx enabled memory scan. I switched off that feature and quality improves. …


    The memory scanner provides perfect 1:1, low latency head tracking at the touch of a button and adjusts the FOV exactly to the FOV of your headset. Turning it off pretty much is disabling vorpX’s best features for FullVR mode. Might make more sense to check whether you have some mod installed that messes with FOV and/or head tracking instead. Any camera related mod for example will likely interfere. Also be aware that the FOV adjustment is meant for first person FullVR gaming.

    If you need the alternative hooking method for any Bethesda RPG, there definitely is something on your machine that interferes with hooking, that should not be the case. Not necessary since the alternative method does the trick, but if you want to get to the bottom of the issue, please check the pinned trouble shooting guide on top of this sub forum for more detailed information on the matter.


    I run SkyrimSE with over 140 mods and always have to use the alternate hooking method. Vorpx doesn’t even try to hook it with the default hook – there are no entries in the troubleshooting log to indicate that it even tried.


    Are you by any chance using some mod manager? At least one of them, can’t remember which one, also hooks into the game and does all sorts of unhealthy stuff, including re-routing of ini-paths and some other *really* weird things.

    Skyrim (the original one) was one of the first games that ever were used with vorpX (before it was even called that way), and since that time all Bethesda RPGs always have been, and still are, regular test games. Not once did I encounter any hooking issue with one of them, otherwise the alternative method would be forced by the profile.

    If you need the alternative method for a Bethesda RPG, something is fishy for sure. That’s pretty much true whenever you need to change the hooking method for an official profile BTW. Without anything interfering all official profiles should hook ‘out of the box’.


    Yes, I use mod manager 2, and it does weird things, the biggest of which is encapsulating the runtime environment into a virtual file system, which is probably why vorpx doesn’t see it being launched, unless you use the alternate hook. The other manager I’m familiar with is Vortex, which is Nexus’s manager, and it does similar things but uses symbolic links in the skyrim folder rather than a virtual file system.

    It’s of little inconvenience to use the alternate hook compared to the cost of manually trying to manage a large number of mods without a manager. I know it’s a bit fishy, but it works.


    I got curious about this and fired up skyrimse from mod manager 2 using the default hooking method and it worked fine, so I’m guessing that having to use the alternate hook in the past was something in my environment. I frequently had to switch to alternate hooking for various games, but the default method is working very well for me now.


    Great, thanks for letting me know. I was literally just pondering whether it might make sense to force the alternative method in the Skyrim/FO4 game profiles to improve compatibility with mod managers. Guess I’ll leave everything as it is then.

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