Skyrim (no more huge hands) fix

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  • #175035

    one week ago I bought vorpx and since then I have been looking to solve this problem, nothing helps with the exception of the one closed eye or standing close near the wall – that’s funny, but somehow this fact can help with the development vorpx? I don’t know, better letting you know…

    so… I found advice from forum user AerowynX:

    Fix for Skyrim giant hands!

    and I can confirm folks IT WORKS PERFECTLY for me, thanks AerowynX

    my 3D strengh is 1.00 – only small issue when you are in a building perspective changed my recomandation is set to 3rd person inside the building and all is OK

    I wan to ask Ralf if is possible to rebind combo Alt + SPACEBAR… my hands are disabled after accident (quadruplegia) and I am using left ALT and SPACEBAR very often…that’s why I choose vorpx by the way – MANY THANKS FOR YOUR WORK

    sorry for my english guys :)

    bye and happy gaming


    hi, there is a section to rebind commands in vorpx configuration rebind section.


    thanks you I will check maybe via DEL and hotkeys


    you are very welcome :)

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