Skyrim performance (gtx 970) tips?

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    Over christmas I upgraded to a gtx 970, I hadn’t tried skyrim in a while (my old card was a 760) so I thought I’d give it a shot

    in Geometry mode I get between 25 and 50 FPS running skyrim on high with 2xAA

    this is considerably lower than I remember, and the 970 should be a good deal faster. I’m trying to pin down the problem

    is the new version of vorpx slower? is it the newer oculus runtime? is it an issue with the gtx 970 itself? anyone have any ideas


    I have a GTX970, its the CPU, that limits the Geometry Mode in Skyrim.
    Skyrim has many issues and I tested it alot and i can’t recommend it, there many more titles, that working much better. Z-Buffer gives better experience (no jutter) but no Head Positioning. Skyrim has a FOV / Fisheye issue, that ruins the whole Oculus Rift experience and gives sickness because of the wrong perspektive. I can only recommend it to play zoomed out with normal FOV, so you have the Big Screen 3D Effekt, but not the Immersion.


    skyrim can be set perfectly on vorpx, fov game + vorpx ingame settings.

    z buffer is not real 3d, this is only a 2D + depth mode, for this reason its performance. besides this, limited number of other important things.


    skyrim can be set perfectly on vorpx, fov game + vorpx ingame settings.

    Whats your recommended FOV and VorpX Setting?


    apply skyrim profile from the optimizer games in vorpx
    115-120 fov
    3d reconstruction-geometry
    separation (3d-strength) adjusting the scale here
    fix chromatic on
    fix black smearing on


    Grumdark has the right settings. Disappointing as it may be you are going to want to run vanilla Skyrim if you want to keep your fps at a playable rate while in outdoor areas in geo-3d. Graphic mods are only feasible if you are willing to run in z-3d. I have a 970 myself. Out door areas vary too widely in their demands. Keeping 75 fps in combat outdoors or in most towns in near impossible in geo-3d. That’s not Vorpx’s fault that is the game engine’s fault. Z-3d is the way to go for Skyrim. Although if Vorpx gets SLI support it would be easy. Problem is for most injector drivers SLI or Crossfire is not available. At least that was the case for Iz3d, Tridef, and Vireio. That was a big advantage Nvidia 3dvision had over it’s competitors. It might be different with VR injection drivers but that’s how Dual-GPU fared for stereo injection drivers.

    TL:DR Use Z-3d and a FOV of 120 for Skyrim until better GPUs get released or Vorpx gets SLI support and then drop in another 970.


    You could try experimenting with some of Skyrims memory patches. I haven’t tackled it yet for Skyrim but the 4gb patch with Fallout NV and NVSE work with vorpX so I bet there is something that will do the same for Skyrim. If you get ta memory patch to work you should be able to load up a lot more textures and such. Also crank up the positional tracking strength until it feel better/faster, it makes it better. And mess with the vignette size and image zoom until its comfortable. I also set vorpx to lens B even though I use A lenses, its less in your face feeling and you can adjust everything to still fill your vision. I also recommend getting some kind of first person mod that puts your body in the game.


    This mod is a good example for body and view


    You could try experimenting with some of Skyrims memory patches. I haven’t tackled it yet for Skyrim but the 4gb patch with Fallout NV and NVSE work with vorpX so I bet there is something that will do the same for Skyrim. If you get ta memory patch to work you should be able to load up a lot more textures and such.

    I’ve been trying to do exactly this. Playing Skyrim without mods is just unacceptable. And I’ve gotten it to look wonderful without my frame rate dropping below 75. The only issue is not being able to install the essential memory patch tweak that fixes Skyrim’s flawed memory allocation. I just need to figure out how to add the d3d9.dll file without crashing VorpX.


    I’m pretty sure that at one point I had it figured out. I’ll try to take a look at my files and see what I did. If I remember right I had to find the right combo and versions of SKSE and one of the memory patches. I think there are maybe 4 types of memory patches that do basically the same thing just in different ways. I used a memory patch that doesn’t use any of the ENB stuff with it I’m pretty sure. The ENB stuff is your issue, try finding a patch not related to ENB at least I think anyway. Also there are tools you could experiment with that like inject .dll files together kind of but not sure it would work here.


    Thanks! I tried the Injector version of ENB, which if I did correctly, doesn’t use the d3d9.dll file, but the result is an unbearable amount of frame stuttering, even when I eliminate most of the mods. It must have something to do with how I’m configuring the enblocal.ini file, but I have no idea what exactly is off.


    I have been playing Skyrim a lot with my DK2 (20+ hours) and I have switched my VORPX configuration quite a bit and I have found some things that can trade off but never be perfected. I have some thoughts and a question.

    1) Z-fighting in skyrim engine. I can fix this with fneardistance=20-25 (from skyrim.ini) but this messes with the convergence. I can fix that problem with the focal offset but it never feels quite right. Not to mention this also makes huge hands problem worse and has clipping issues. So I guess I will just live with flickering mountains :/ Stereo Shadows are perfect and water is good but slightly odd in Geo3d. Sky looks fine but I notice the clouds don’t have proper convergence only at sunset and sunrise (night stars and daytime clouds are perfectly fine? I simply just avoid sunset so it works fine)

    2)framerate. I have used z-depth a lot and found that it actually did not feel smooth even though the framerate was steady 37.5 (Half-refresh async time warp). It always had a bit of a single frame jump/jitter about once per 2-3 seconds and this was worse with full refresh rate.
    In Geo 3d it feels a little smoother despite being only 25-30 fps (while the game frame-rate is stated as 75fps. Does this mean that vsync is stuck on despite the fact I disabled it in Nvidia control or is this normal???). Oddly my fps does not seem to change at all weather I set the graphics to very low, med or ultra … always the same 25-30fps outdoors (with no mods running). I believe this is because my video card is so good that graphics details have very little effect and my bottleneck is my cpu.

    MY RIG
    CPU Athlon x4 860K overclocked to 4.2 Ghz (8Gb DDR3)
    GPU EVGA Geforce GTX 980

    My main question is… Would a good intel CPU make a huge difference? Is it possible to get a smooth 37.5 or 75 fps in outdoor areas for skyrim or am I already pretty much maxed out already? Also any insight to why I may have the occasional frame jump/skip problem in the z-buffer mode or is this normal too?


    The issue may not be VorpX, but Skyrim itself. It’s code is infamously a mess, which is why it’s one of the most modded gams out there. So the good news is that you can mod most of your performance issues away. The bad news is there is a learning curve to modding. Here’s a good place to start…

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