Hi all. Bought Vorpx yesterday after vireo wouldnt run skyrim at all and I can say that it worked right out of the gate. After messing with my IDP a little (I have glasses but everything was a blur with the glasses and lens B set, while lens A was sharper and setting IDP lower has it almost perfect now) I have the game running well.
But its too big to fit on the Oculus screen. I know I can middle mouse click but then the screen sways oddly and has a black border, and I have the “less intrusive UI” mod and I can move stuff around, but for perspective sake, when I start the game, I can see the Imperial dragon logo but not the start menu. In game, pulling up the item menu leaves half of it hanging off the screen to the left. I can only just see my Health Bar at the bottom and can never see my compass at the top. Its like I am seeing the middle half of the screen.
Anyone know of this issue and how to make skyrim actually fit on the oculus?