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  • #199195

    I ran modorganizer to open up skse with vorpx. I was not pleased with the results, so decided to go back to a regular screen. Now when I open up the game on my monitor, the game only fills up half my monitor and I can see my windows tool bar.Is there a way to fix this?


    You can revert any changes vorpX made to game settings in the config app under ‘Restore Game Settings’. Not sure though whether that works right with Mod Organizer. That tool does some seriously weird things, e.g. .ini file path redirection.


    I found the half of the screen issue to be due caused from Incorrect resolution in the Mod organizer ini files.

    Another issue I still see is a fish eye type effect where everything seems to be very deep. Is there a way to fix that?


    Going back to an older save file should take care of that. Bethesda games for some reason store the FOV in save files.

    Alternatively you can set the FOV from the game console via ‘fov XX’ (DX9 Skyrim) or ‘fov XX XX’ (DX11 Skyrim). XX being the FOV you want to set.


    Skyrim is the most-modded game in history – can’t imagine playing it without skse and mod organizer. I don’t like the .ini file redirection though, but it can be turned off easily enough. You can always delete skyrim.ini and skyrimprefs.ini and the game will recreate them with default values.


    While playing the game with vorpX the Mod Organizer .ini redirection doesn’t cause any problem since inside the game vorpX’s .ini changes are also redirected, so everything that needs to be changed is changed in the right (redirected) files.

    Reverting changes in the vorpX config app however doesn’t work right with Mod Organizer .ini files since the config app isn’t aware of the redirected paths and thus tries to restore the actual .ini files. Not exactly great design to redirect paths in memory without even considering that there may be other tools that also edit the same files.


    My advice, to anyone not familiar with mod organizer and skse, is to not use them with vorpx. I do so because I had a heavily modded skyrim environment already built, long before I had even heard of vorpx.

    At present I think I’m down to about 160 mods, and many of them are irrelevant because they don’t change the display, but the ones that do work very well with vorpx (even the one’s that add physics to the female skeletons).

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