Skyrim with DK2: VorpX and Windows mouses appear in the game

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    So, the video is self explanatory:

    So, as you can see, both VorpX and Windows (sometimes the blue loading circle, sometimes the regular white arrow) cursors appear in the game no matter what. I’ve tried a lot of configurations (Primary monitor, secondary, Rift as the only display…) but so far no luck. Pressing Shift + left/right arrow doesn’t solve the problem neither.

    Oh, and by the way, is there any way to disable the head tracking cursor movement in the desktop?

    Any help? Thanks!


    I’ve noticed the problem begins 3/4 seconds after the game starts. No cursors during Bethesda logo, then VorpX cursor when the first warning appears, and a few seconds later, cursor madness :P


    I dont know why the video has disappeared, here it is:

    Any help? I’m the only one with this problem?


    Do you run Skyrim windowed or force it to be windowed through some external tool? If so, please do not do this. Make sure the game runs in true fullscreen mode.

    Not sure what else may cause this, especially with the Rift as primary display and vorpX set to “Use system settings” display wise, which is the most compatible option.

    Trying ‘Direct To Rift’ mode might also be worth a try. It’s not officially supported by vorpX at all currently, but may work in Skyrim.


    Thanks for the answer Ralf!

    No, i don’t do anything special, it’s running in true fullscreen mode. This happens even with only DK2 as a display, not only in extended mode, which makes no sense at all. Same thing when i select my regular TV as the only screen, the game runs in VorpX mode but the “multi cursor” error doesn’t disspapear.

    D2R does not work for me in Skyrim, i get the following error when launching the game in that mode:

    Other games like Alan Wake or Mirror’s Edge work just fine. By the way, i’m using Windows 8.1, R9 280X

    I hope this feedback helps!


    I also had this issue, the fix for me was when in game, hit esc to bring up the menu, then tab out, then tab back in, and it hid the windows cursor and the vorpx cursor


    Thanks! I’ll try that tomorrow, very appreciated.

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