If you need hook helpers for several games, I’d strongly recommend to check for potentially interfering programs instead. On a system without any conflicting application they should be almost entirely unnecessary (except for Red Dead Redemption 2 since a recent nVidia driver update).
While great care is taken to keep track of hook helpers, even if copied manually, to allow a clean uninstall, I’d like to keep their usage to an absolute minimum for a host of reasons. Brute force DLL overrides are not exactly a desirable way to hook into a program IMO, hence officially hook helpers can only be installed via the trouble shoot dialog if necessary.
A hooking conflict with some other program might also be the reason for your 3D problem. The vorpX control app never does a normal hook attempt when it detects a hook helper, regardless whether it was installed or copied over manually. Was fairly obvious that someone would try the latter, so the control app always double checks whether a hook helper is present.