Sniper Ghost Warrior 1, 2, & 3

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    This has been a fun trilogy project the last couple months, and I think they are ready to share. Much like these games get better upon each installment, their vorpX compatibility does also. Still, I enjoyed playing them all and believe they each have good VR experiences to offer. You can find them quite cheap on sale these days also.

    Three new profiles now on the cloud. Enjoy.

    Sniper Ghost Warrior (G3D)

    Something about the jungle setting and ability to pick up assault rifles might make me prefer this one to SGW2. Native FOV was extremely low and remains a bit low still even after extreme FOV Enhancement. Still a good fullVR 3D experience if you can tolerate some culling near top and bottom and have the shadows disabled.

    – use a 16:9 resolution (2560×1440) any other ratio can cause glitches

    *Don’t trust the red aim dot to be exact at long ranges, toggle Z3D hotkey for critical shots
    *Disable raindrop effect with vorpX Shadow Treatment if distracting


    Sniper Ghost Warrior 2 (G3D/Z3D)

    This one suffers from a bit of big gun syndrome, but what matters is looking through the scope feels good and the world fov is great. Bullet cams scale is more correct in this one. Night vision is pretty sweet too.

    Make sure to run the game in DX9 mode, 16:9, with FOV of 91 by editing the following lines of system.cfg found in:
    steamapps\common\SniperGhostWarrior2… system.cfg


    *Toggle shadows with vorpX Shadow Treatment


    Sniper Ghost Warrior 3 (G3D/Z3D)

    I’ve redone this old fullVR profile from a year ago with a few extra fixes. It can look quite stunning in places. I particularly like roaming around at night. The full body animations and derivable vehicles are a nice addition.

    Mild FOV Enhancement still had to be used causing a bit of motion for light sources, but you can toggle most of them off with Shadow Treatment if desired. I’ve also raised the camera for more comfortable weapon placement, which you can also adjust as needed.

    – a 4:3 resolution is recommended (1920×1440) for better performance
    – medium settings recommended as tested
    – turn off motion blur
    – slide FOV to max right in game settings

    *Hide HUD elements with Challenge difficulty settings
    *Adjusting HUD scale may affect scope alignment
    *Toggle lights and shadows with vorpX Shadow Treatment
    *If using cinema mode, reduce vorpX FOV Enhancement to Zero

    Sorry the shots have been so dark. You can right click them to enlarge view.


    **Important note for SGW1: set Post Processing to Simple or you’ll get artifacts

    Also, don’t be alarmed that the main menu image and intro video are upside-down, this is a normal known issue.



    which profile for Sniper Ghost Warrior Contracts ?


    Don’t have Contracts yet, but believe it’s till on CryEngine. You could try SGW3 profile, or some of the other recent Official CryEngine game profiles, like Prey.

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