Solution for Weapon FOV Being Too Zoomed In?

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    First, let me make clear that I like Vorpx a lot and I’m glad I bought it. But there are some issues that I continue to struggle with, and one of those is trying to play a game in FullVR–like, for instance, FarCry 3–and staring at a gigantic pair of hands which are supposed to be mine but are completely disproportionate to the rest of the environment. I don’t really think of this as a viable way to play, because VR is all about immersion, and it’s hard to be immersed in a game where I’m playing as a regular human … who just happens to have gigantic hands.

    I know this isn’t vorpx’s fault per-say–too many game makers don’t bother to provide FOV options for the weapon view model and if they did, this wouldn’t be a problem. But it IS a problem and I wish we could see it acknowledged a little bit more when it comes to playing in FullVR mode. I’ll read recommendations from people about this or that game–and they never mention the giant hands issue.

    I know a partial solution is to play in cinema widescreen mode, and I do play that way sometimes, but I hate to just give up on FullVR mode, so I don’t really see that as a solution either.

    I can’t be the only one troubled by this, can I?


    I don’t have time for details atm, but google for Flawless Widscreen. It’s an app to adjust FOV for several games, FC3 is on there. Think it even has hands FOV adjustment.

    Also, I often use Letterbox in fullVR for these situations, and zooming the screen out some. Yes I get bars on top and bottom, but I still get headtracking and larger scale than playing in the cinema modes.

    Sometimes getting proper FOV (distance from player hands/weapons and from the ground) are more important to me than the image filling my entire view, to get it “feeling” right.


    I don’t have time for details atm, but google for Flawless Widscreen. It’s an app to adjust FOV for several games, FC3 is on there. Think it even has hands FOV adjustment.

    Also, I often use Letterbox in fullVR for these situations, and zooming the screen out some. Yes I get bars on top and bottom, but I still get headtracking and larger scale than playing in the cinema modes.

    Sometimes getting proper FOV (distance from player hands/weapons and from the ground) are more important to me than the image filling my entire view, to get it “feeling” right.

    I can’t believe I completely forgot about that program! I used it awhile ago and then just sort of forgot about it, but you are right, it’s like the perfect solution, especially since it works specifically with FarCry 3. Thanks a ton of the suggestion!


    Without a doubt, the possible problems with disproportionate hands, or weapon Fov has been one of the stumbling blocks more than I have encountered over these years, when it comes to adapting or confuguring some of my first person games in 3D.

    Many times, I have tried to investigate on the subject, my conclusions are, that very few developers have this in mind during the creation of a video game.
    I found some games that allow you to change this, and as the previous user has recommended, with the flawless widescreen program you can sometimes modify this.

    I would like to know if at least, in current and common video game engines such as Unreal Engine 4/3, there is some kind of general modifications in the files, that can control this or if it totally depends on how the developer implemented this for each specific game in Anyway.

    It seems incredible to me that in 2019, with the existence of virtual reality helmets, triple monitors and other technologies, many AAA videogame development studios, are not yet realizing the great importance of having all these details in each launching.

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