Source games do NOT work, I need this for a tech demo !

Homepage Forums Technical Support Source games do NOT work, I need this for a tech demo !

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    I have been coding in Garry’s mod for a tech demo. A month ago when I started I was able to use Garry’s mod with my rift and Vorpx fine. Now, it NEVER hooks into the game. Even when I try ultra-compatible mode it doesn’t work. I’ve made a shortcut directly from Vorpx, it doesn’t work. I’ve tried starting everything as an administrator, it doesn’t work.

    I’ve tried every Oculus version. (actually, didn’t try the newest one, I doubt that would be the problem). Please help.


    Does it crash or give an error message?


    No error message or anything like that. It just doesn’t inject itself into the game. L4D2 works (it looks messed up but at least it injects). I cannot think of why would Garry’s Mod not work when L4D2 is a source mod…


    Make sure the game runs at 1920×1080, source games often reset the resolution to 1600×900, when the rift is connected (google how to force a specific resolution for source games).
    This makes the image look “messed up” and can prevent vorpx from injecting.

    If it still doesn’t work, give the .exe of garry’s mod the name of another source game .exe, like left4dead2.exe or hl2.exe, because garrys mod isn’t supported and renaming unsupported games to supported ones helped me, when vorpx didn’t inject.

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