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- This topic has 13 replies, 5 voices, and was last updated Aug 18, 2020 8:42am by
Jan 20, 2020 at 3:16pm #192001
ParticipantFirst off, it looks great in full vr, no problems on my system lag wise at all, other than the fov is off. I can’t find a setting that brings the hud elements of the game in view, they’re all off to the left, out of view because of the fov? I have a user.cfg that allows up to 120 fov in game setting, and I’ve tried adjusting the fov setting in vorpx menu, and still can’t get something usable.
I don’t really understand how the fov and resolution affect each other in vorpx. In my mind the fov, or the resolution, is too wide on the horizontal, what’s the best way to adjust that to bring the hud elements back into view?
Jan 20, 2020 at 3:30pm #192002Muskoka1847
ParticipantAlso, your figure in game looks to be “squished down” if that makes sense, and supports the theory of to wide a horizontal fov or resolution.
Jan 20, 2020 at 4:25pm #192003Muskoka1847
ParticipantTrying to follow this guide but these resolutions don’t work at my end, can’t see the hud at all.
3.7 Vorpx and Opentrack for VR guide updated
by u/baybiker2000 in starcitizenJan 20, 2020 at 8:08pm #192004DADDYPANK
ParticipantFOV is tied to resolution, you can no longer set it in user.cfg.
You will notice the slider values change depending on the resolution you set.
Jan 20, 2020 at 8:25pm #192005jtrobe67
ParticipantMuskoka1847, first off , GREAT write up. I will be checking my settings later today. I just joined the Star Citizen PTU a week ago in hopes that Vorpx would play nicely in it and it does for the most part with the default profile. I am currently using an Oculus Rift S and uses a default resolution setting 2560×1440 with a RTX2060. I can get a constant 43-45 FPS but you have some higher settings like crystal Image set to aggressive, and Z-Adaptive, what FPS are you getting with any consistency. this will help me understand if I have mine set up optimally.
I don’t have a HOTAS yet, but this game is really making me rethink that. I am working on getting the controllers set up properly since current profile does not have a Mobi-Glass button, nor can I lower my landing gear, I have to use the keypad for that.
Jan 20, 2020 at 8:35pm #192006DADDYPANK
Participant@jtrobe67 – consider using ‘Game Glass’ which is an external API which plugs into SC and gives you a load of per-configured buttons from your tablet or phone.
Indecently, in few months or so SC will be switching over to Vulkan and that will be the end of VorpX support?
Jan 20, 2020 at 11:12pm #192007Muskoka1847
ParticipantIt is well done, and kudos to the author on Reddit. I see the fov change as I change the res in the user.cfg, still can’t get the hud elements in view. Works ok in Immersive mode, much prefer the other, but would like to read the hud.
Jan 21, 2020 at 4:56pm #192010Muskoka1847
ParticipantAnyone else try the above from Reddit and have success in full vr, meaning you can see the hud elements to the left?
Jan 23, 2020 at 11:37pm #192042rich0550
Participantwow this is the most Gnarly config ever read though. Yikes..
Using HP Reverb native is 2160 x 2160? Do I make a custom resolution in Nvidia, and then tell the game to use it? Is this the resolution to use?
How about FOV? How is this changed now.
Can someone distill that nice walkthrough above. Dispite even making my own controls and gaming for 40 something years this is way beyond me to figure out what parts are the ones to do and what to do here.
Thanks ~s
Jan 24, 2020 at 12:17am #192045rich0550
ParticipantI guess edit is turned off.. I read through the walk through more carefully. Firstly Nicely done!
What is Opentrack doing in this case? What is the point of it? The tracking is working in Star Citizen so hum why? Sorry dont get it.
Jan 24, 2020 at 10:32am #192049DADDYPANK
ParticipantI think the use of Opentrack is to give ‘detached’ head movement all the time without the need to hold a button down.
So unless you really want that (I personally don’t see the need), don’t bother with all those steps and just use VorpX out of the box and you still get head tracking.
As mentioned before, FOV is tied to the resolution you set – the in game slider range values change depending on the res.
Jan 24, 2020 at 4:43pm #192050rich0550
ParticipantSo Opentrack can make for independent head movement? Would this work in GTAV. Been hoping to get the head separated from the aim. That would rock!
Jun 6, 2020 at 10:17pm #195130daggey
ParticipantHey I wrote the reddit post. Opentrack can spoof a trackIR using a HMD running on steamvr or oculus – so star citizen can use the “fake” trackIR from your HMD+Opentrack for headtracking, rather than Vorpx’s built-in headtracking (which I recommend to turn right down to one notch above 0) which is sending a mouse-input like signal to the game to control head movement. This is so the head movement and gun aiming are separated in FPS mode, and so looking around your cockpit doesn’t thrust your ship around when in ship. Also, historically, this allowed for Z-axis (back and forward) head movement but this was removed by CIG when they re-did the whole headtracking system a few patches back (3.2 if I remember correctly) – but that was great while it lasted.
I know it is complex but I was trying to explain it all. Basic premise is that resolutions in your user.cfg file can alter the range of FOV sliders available to you at menu load in, and these carry across into the game modes when you load in. So if you put the right resolution in your User.cfg, you have a HMD appropriate FOV slider range available to you in game. You can also specify another resolution which matches your HMD resolution (as determined by SteamVR) to play the game in which you change into after you load into whichever game mode (PTU, Ac or SM) you want to play. Both of these resolutions need to be specified in your NVIDIA control panel as custom resolutions or they won’t be available to select within Star Citizen (and it will freak out on loading into the starting menu ie black screen or crash). Currently, on an index i am using 2100 x 1000 in user.cfg (gives a range of 94 which is good for monitor play/pancake to 108 which is good for HMD with Vorpx – this setting should be fine for all standard FOV HMD’s). I play in 1920 x 2160 at the moment, but was using different resolutions at various points based on what SteamVR was telling me the render target slider for 100% of the HMD was (in the video settings of steamVR) – but this changes with various beta patches of SteamVR which is why this resolution setting has chopped and changed over time – so I just settled on 1920 x 2160 and it looks pretty good. I appreciate it is all confusing AF. The reason I add Star Citizen to SteamVR is because it allows access to the Custom Resolution Multiplier slider in the SteamVR settings, and you can easily under or over-sample etc in there [but I am not 100% on how this interplays with Vorpx]. The rest of it was giving people some settings to try out and advising about how to handle edgepeek with a MMO mouse and the fact that the helmet UI is not working with this set-up (but this is changing soon).
If anyone needs help let me know and I will try my best to help – because this game is very cool and this works pretty well when you get it going.
Aug 18, 2020 at 8:42am #196623daggey
ParticipantGuide has been updated a lot as new versions of Star Citizen can change the ratios that different values in user.cfg generate.
At the moment (3.10) ; for a normal FOV range HMD use r_Width = 2000 and r_Height = 1000 in user.cfg to create a FOV slider of 94 – 108. You can use 94 to play using monitor and 108 to play using Vorpx + HMD. For an index use r_Width = 3900 and r_Height = 1000 giving you a FOV range of 121 to 132. I use 121 to play in. Then when you load into the game mode you wish to play change to 1920 x 2160 as your resolution and set your FOV again (it changes often when moving from menu to into the game mode). Both the user.cfg specified res (whichever one you are using) and the 1920 x 2160 (or whatever you decide you want to play in) need to be set up as custom resolutions in NVIDIA control panel ahead of time. Opentrack spoofs a TrackIR for headtracking using your HMD so set up TrackIR as your headtracker in Star Citizen headtracking settings (no facial expression tracking with a HMD as yet I’m afraid – but oculus are working on it) and run opentrack as suggested in the guide (download the headtracking profile from dropbox and load it into the opentrack config directory and then select it in Opentrack). Also often get better results / less problems generally if running Star Citizen in windowed mode than in fullscreen. I will update for Pimax settings when my 8KX arrives. Enjoy.
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