Star Citizen Help (Quest 2)

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    I’m at the point of giving up. I have been at this for 9 days now. Ive been getting some very little help from the VRSE discord but haven’t gotten anywhere.

    I have played other VR games in the past such as Elite, DCS, Flight Sim, and others. So I know what to expect and that my system can run VR. But for what ever reason Vorpx is just giving me issues.

    Here’s everything I have done so far and the steps I have taken to get to where I am.

    1. Edit host file

    2. Delete Easy Anti Cheat

    3. Link VR headset to PC

    4. Start vorpx as admin

    5. Start SC as admin

    I have tried SCVR tool with no luck.

    I have tried different Vorpx SC profiles. (Malic suggested one with the name “dlaitini” but I have been unable to find it)

    I have tried Z-Adaptive, Z-Normal, and Geometry with the 3D strength from 0 to 5. I am using Full VR mode and toggling edge peek with middle mouse. Z-Normal seems to have some effect, but it is VERY minimal.

    I have tried running through Steam VR and just Oculus VR.

    I have tried link cable and airlink. I have tried different screen resolutions.

    I know VorpX is working with 3d. I tested this by going to cinema mode and selecting the loft scene and there is 3d there.

    I even tried loading SC, Set the render options to Geometry as someone on a discord suggested. Then I exited the game completely. After restarting SC and getting back in I still don’t have any 3d in SC. I had turned 3D up to 5.0 and nothing.

    The current result is effectively a large screen in front of my face that wraps around part of my field of vision. I do not have 6dof in my ship with track IR on in game. I have no 3d, stereoscopic vision. At this point I have no idea what step or setting I am missing. I’ve read that most people have it work right out of the box so I have no idea why I am having so many issues.

    Here are two videos I have regarding where I am at.

    System Specs are as follows
    Intel Core i7-9700k CPU
    32gig ram
    Nivida RTX 3060TI
    Both SC and Vorpx are on SSD’s


    3 weeks later and I still haven’t got it working. I’ve tried a few other “supported” games with the results. No 3d. No Depth. No 6dof.


    You can’t use VorpX on Star Citizen for 3d as it is blacklisted by Easy Anti Cheat.
    As you can’t play the game offline, the best you’ll get is using desktop viewer and emulate mouse with built-in head tracking. This won’t give you 6dof but it’ll give you some head-tracking.


    You can’t use VorpX on Star Citizen for 3d as it is blacklisted by Easy Anti Cheat.
    As you can’t play the game offline, the best you’ll get is using desktop viewer and emulate mouse with built-in head tracking. This won’t give you 6dof but it’ll give you some head-tracking.

    There is a way to get around Easy anti cheat that has been oked by CIG to get Vorpex to work.

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