Star Wars Episode 1 (Pod Racer)

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  • #177760

    Will Star Wars Episode 1 (Pod Racer) work?
    The executable is

    And I’m using the “latest” patch to run in Windows 10:

    Just like NFSMW I got it working with the 2D message (about “2D immersive mode”) except there is a performance problem.

    I saw a “Star Wars Episode 1” listing in the profiles *somewhere* but now am unable to find it. It’s also possible I built one and forgot.

    Any help would be sincerely appreciated! Thank you!


    Hello? Can I get some help, please?


    The game is not officially supported, only the profile author would be able to answer questions about their profile. You can distinguish between user profiles and official profiles by the author name in the cloud profile list. Profiles by [vorpX] are official profiles, all other profiles are made by users.

    Some user profile authors post about their profiles in the game settings sub-forum with additional instrucions and might also reply to questions there.

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