Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic 2

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  • #172627

    Very well

    Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic 2 (G3D)

    It was a bit hard to decide which mode to use. Both, Full VR and Cinema mode have their own advantages. The profile i have uploaded to the cloud is quite optimized for Full VR Mode (G3D). If you dont like using edgepeek try Cinema or Immersive Screen instead.

    -dont turn off Headtracking, otherwise sreen will stick to face
    -set right mouse (or hotkey) to 3D oFF, this helps reading some text
    -use games fullscreen mode
    -pos tracking ON let you get extremely close to things (profile uses OFF)
    -use edgepeek in menus and on game start
    -use STRG if headtracking interferes with edgepeek
    -invert/try different mouse modes of the game until you feel confortable with Headtracking/Mousemove

    If Cutscenes appear too close either use edgepeek or mono hotkey, or lower 3D Strength in main.If you have managed this game to work in resolutions higher then 1600×1200, dont go higher then 2240×1680 or so. Text is getting smaller with gaining resolution.

    Screenshot 1 Screenshot 2

    KOTOR 2 VR 1

    KOTOR 2 VR 2

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