Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic not hooking! HELP!

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    I’m trying to play Star Wars Knights of the Old Republic, but it won’t hook. It simply just won’t start in Vorpx. And I’ve played it in Vorpx many times before.

    I have Nvidia graphics, if that helps. I can see it trying to hook in for a split second then I’m taken back to my Oculus home screen. I tried lower resolutions and disabling movies in the games config but nothing. Star Wars Nights of the Old Republic 2 works ironically.

    Any ideas, suggestions?


    Okay, I got the game to work. I did either one of two things or both:

    I went into my Nvidia control panel and selected preferred graphics processor to high performance NVIDIA processor and made sure to turn off Vertical Sync and…

    I went into Vorpx General Settings and checked off use alternative hooking method.

    I tried the alternative hooking method before but it didn’t work. But, maybe it needed to refresh or something. Or it could have been both options listed above allowed the game to hook. Not sure, just happy it’s working in Vorpx again!


    I had a similar problem with all directx9 games starting on the wrong gpu, despite my power settings and windows graphics settings. In your case it might be different versions of opengl. I eventually fixed it, but not before I’d wiped and re-installed all nvidia components. If your on Windows 10, it may have been caused by a recent security update to graphics components.


    In the game folder ini file I also had under:

    [Graphics Options]
    Frame Buffer=0

    Had that set to 0 from another forum suggestion.

    And before I did everything mentioned above I uninstalled and reinstalled the game.


    does this game work in G3D or Z3D ?


    KOTOR is openGL, choose an OpenGL renderer if possible not DX.



    Yeah, in the Nvidia control panel there is a selection for OpenGL rendering GPU, which needs to be set to the GPU your headset is plugged into.

    Don’t really understand how that differs from setting your preferred graphics processor, but both need to be set for openGL games.


    Game renderer settings, (config , ini etc.) , not GPU settings.

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