StarTrek: Elite Force Vorpx Tutorial

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  • #177955

    Hello there,
    so I bought Vorpx to play mainly older games and saw that Elite Force was listed under the “supported games” page but when I tried to hook the game up with vorpx all sorts of problems emerged.
    I found a workble solution and want to share it with you so that you can avoid all the nightmare for yourself. ;)
    First of you ve to install the base game + expansion pack.
    The play the game with better grapical fidelity, download the HD Texture pack for the game:

    now you have to just unzip and replace the “BaseEF” folder in your base game directory. Do not unzip the rest of the mod file!

    Then you ve to fix the resolution. Go to: and download the “1_20_StarTrek_Voyager_Elite_Force_Centred_HUD.7z”.
    Unzip it in your base directory(for expl.:1920x1080p folder) and go to “BaseEF” folder. Inside open the autoexec.cfg and change resolution as you prefer (for me I ve the Oddyssey+ and I chose 3240×2160 and it looks nice ingame)
    Make sure your monitor has this resolution profile active while you start the game!
    But before that start steamvr then start vorpx and go to “cloud gameprofiles” in vorpx. Find the EliteForce(Funque) profile and import and activate it.
    Now start the stvoy.exe in your eliteforece main directory.
    Hopefully the game starts properly now if not and a bluescreen error appears you propably have to change resolution etc.)

    When inside a mission ingame open the vorpx menue and set “FoV Enhancemnt” to max. Then click on Direct VR Memory Scan so this part is tricky sometimes it will configure tracking fine and sometimes the gameview just sticks and only the weapon in your hand gets tracked. Try it several times at several positions/maps/levels ingame. IF its still not working restart your game or pc and try again. Its kinda hacky but it works good when all is setup well.

    Have fun and merry christmas you all.


    Thanks, this works quite nicely! Replaying it now :)


    Just a heads-up that the game has full DirectVR support, including FOV and head tracking. Unless DirectVR does not work correctly for your version, there is no need for a replacement .exe, cloud profile or manual tweaking.

    If everything works as it should, DirectVR provides perfect 1:1 head tracking and FOV without the need to change any settings using the default profile.


    It’s been a long time since I tried it but I’ve previously found that Voyager Elite Force 2 also works with the Elite Force 1 profile.

    If I recall correctly it worked just fine with all the same features, if you rename the game executable to match the original Elite Force one.


    I’m a bit confused by this part here:
    Then you ve to fix the resolution. Go to: and download the “1_20_StarTrek_Voyager_Elite_Force_Centred_HUD.7z”.
    Unzip it in your base directory(for expl.:1920x1080p folder) and go to “BaseEF” folder.
    Do I drag all the folders from the download into the main Elite Force folder? Or do I drag them into the BaseEF folder? Or do I just grab what is inside the 1920×1080 folder and drag into the Elite Force main folder? But, if I do that, won’t it overwrite all the HD textures I added in your previous step?
    Inside open the autoexec.cfg and change resolution as you prefer (for me


    I got the main game working fairly decent. But, Holomatch is another thing. The auto DirectX scanner doesn’t seem to work, and the resolution in game just doesn’t seem right, whereas single player main game i have fairly decent now.

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