Steam Store Question

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    I think it would improve support and sales if you added VorpX to the steam store so lots of people can get this easily. Any plans for this?


    Why should it ? I (as a customer) dont see any advantage of this. I wouldnt want to feel forced to install additional Software before buying VorpX.


    You are not forced to use Steam if it’s made available in the store.
    On Steam there’s potentially a wider reach, however there’s a 30% cut that goes to Steam on each sale, there are probably changes needed to the DRM, and there will be a drop in the average “expertise” of users.


    IIRC You would be still forced to register at “Steam” though, otherwise you wouldnt be able to make a purchase. Besides “Steam” forces customers to reveal personal data. In my eyes selling something on “Steam” always puts a bad light on a seller.
    I am in strong doubt that “Steam” users do not know how to use google and find VorpX, so that potentional you mentioned i would kindly call a pure guess. Though you name it: “Steam” makes cash on every seller. Too much ! I would strongly advice Ralf not to deal with “Steam”. Nvidia doesnt, Wallmart doesnt either, the Helixvision guys probably do just because they havent found an easier way. The way VorpX is beeing sold is just perfect, no mess with third party crap.

    Never touch an running system !


    vorpx also asked me for personal data, vorpx also asked me for a registration. I agree that in terms of sales, steam cannot add much, in terms of sales to vorpx, but maybe a little more popularity would gain.


    vorpx also asked me for personal data, vorpx also asked me for a registration.

    True, i guess i had my head somewhere behind the moon this morning One thing for shure though, VorpX would never take money from you, then change terms of sale without telling you, then force you to do things that you have never signed for. (like “Steam” did last year with their giftcards for example.)


    Yes, more popularity means more support and more users. It is a win/win!

    By Steam add it there as an option for new users, and still allowing it as a direct download from the VorpX site. For example the VR FPS utility gets massive downloads (paid VR addon on Steam) and this utility will probably be just as useful, maybe more so.


    Several people over the years have asked for Vorpx to be put on Steam.
    But there is no reason for a single developer to use Steam and its DRM for a product like this.

    Vorpx is already very well-known amongst the VR crowd and has been for years.

    Losing 1/3 of your income overnight and having to deal with the inevitable negative flood of ‘I hate this, I can’t make it work’ on Steam reviews, especially from the new flood of Quest users trying to create a pc experience on a mobile headset, would be massively stressful.

    Tailoring Vorpx to deal with that level of user demand, along with the financial loss, would not only be detrimental to the program but probably also to Ralf himself.


    , especially from the new flood of Quest users trying to create a pc experience on a mobile headset, .

    first of all, with quest 2 you have a valid vr experience on pc, better than other viewers in businesses that cost three times as much. then the negative reviews also have the best software and games, rather I’m sure that with the arrival of quest 2 Vorpx has had a surge in sales, so instead of mistreating this segment, we should try to enhance it.

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