Steam warning: Game starts twice

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  • #208741

    Hi there,
    as a very new Vorpx user, I tried to launch my games from Steam with active vorpx.

    My problems is: When I’m starting a game, Vorpx hooks in, but Steam shows me a warning: Game will be started twice: For non VR and in VR in parallel. In my headset, I can see my Windows desktop with the running 2D game in a steam desktop window and in the background (behind the desktop screen) the game running in VR mode.

    Hmmm…. sorry, maybe this is a typical newbie question :-), but how can I force Steam to start my game just once in VR mode? Do I miss something?

    btw: Happy new year :-)

    Thank you,


    Sounds as if the SteamVR desktop theater is enabled. vorpX normally deactivates it, but maybe that failed for some reason. You can disable it manually either globally in the Steam options or per game in a game’s properties window.


    Hi Ralf,

    great – it works…. thank you very much. This was exactly my problem.

    Thank you,

    …Grüsse aus dem Süden (greeting from the south of Germany)

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