SteamVR now forcing Theatre Mode

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  • #218496
    Silicon McCain

    It appears that Valve have pushed the new Theatre mode into SteamVR stable and removed the option to turn it off!
    I first noticed the issue when I fired up Cyberpunk to a maximum or 30 base FPS.

    The quick and dirty solution (plagiarised from the steam forums is to rename the game theatre exe.

    c:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\SteamVR\tools\steamvr_desktop_game_theater\win64\steamvr_desktop_game_theater.exe

    This worked for me. Hopefully there will be a more elegant solution in the future.


    I read about theatre update and was hoping I got it wrong and they dont force it, you need to be pretty oblivious to things you do to make that decision as a steamvr developer.

    Silicon McCain

    Yeah, I think they are on a push to unify the desktop version UI of steam with the deck version and get SteamVR ready for Deckard. :/ Interesting times… I understand it’s affecting far more than VorpX. Probably going to be a case of an unstopable force meeting immovable objects…

    Broke again yesterday; down to 40 FPS this time. Theatre mode (or at least it’s game-breaking functionality) now looks to be fully integrated into SteamVR 2.1.

    I had to roll back to temp_v1.27.5 in the Beta options (and rename the exe again).


    Yeah, I think they are on a push to unify the desktop version UI of steam with the deck version and get SteamVR ready for Deckard. :/ Interesting times… I understand it’s affecting far more than VorpX. Probably going to be a case of an unstopable force meeting immovable objects…

    Broke again yesterday; down to 40 FPS this time. Theatre mode (or at least it’s game-breaking functionality) now looks to be fully integrated into SteamVR 2.1.

    I had to roll back to temp_v1.27.5 in the Beta options (and rename the exe again).

    Silicon McCain

    Alas, I’m in the third commenter in that link’s camp.
    SteamVR 2.1 with “Present Non-VR Applications on Theater Screen Upon Launch” set to off: 40FPS.
    SteamVR temp 1.27.5 with exe renamed : 120FPS.


    vorpX is actually supposed to rename the SteamVR desktop theater .exe automatically since SteamVR exists. It even checks every few seconds while running to not miss any potential changes at any time. When exiting vorpX the .exe name gets restored. One of the many little quality of life things vorpX does usually unnoticed.

    If that doesn’t work for you, try to launch SteamVR before vorpX. That way vorpX can be sure where to find the desktop theater, without SteamVR running it has to guess. Usually that guess works well too, but it might not be 100% reliable under all imaginable circumstances.

    Silicon McCain

    It doesn’t seem to be renaming it now (under 1.27.5), Ralf. I was still getting FPS loss on 1.27.5 unless I manually renamed it.
    Anyway, the world looks to have moved on. Valve look to have retired the exe (actually, says so in the release notes!) as it doesn’t appear in a clean install of SteamVR 2.x now anyway.

    All that said, SteamVR 2.1.8 looks to have fixed the FPS drop I was experiencing so yay, back to business as usual. :)

    I suspect that the issue was tied to Valve retiring Game Theatre and replacing it with a function of their new overlay system. Cyberpunk still shows in an overlay window as well as in the virtual area behind (where it should be!), when you bring up the (for want of a better name) SteamVR taskbar. With 2.1.8 it now feels like it stops rendering the overlay window when the taskbar isn’t up. I suspect this was happening on previous versions of SteamVR 2.x. Not turning off “Present Non-VR Applications on Theater Screen Upon Launch” as Smoils highlighted would also give a 3rd rendering as a game theatre window!

    Anyway TL;DR:
    SteamVR 2.1.8 fixes the issues highlighted in this thread.

    Silicon McCain

    Oh, update Steam client too, probably. Almost forgot the other change I made!

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