SteamVr Warning in the Way, any solution ?

Homepage Forums Game Hints and Settings SteamVr Warning in the Way, any solution ?

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  • #219934

    Since a while ago any damn steam game that i start with vorpx throws a message like
    “Warning: This game is not VR and will be played on your desktop”.
    This message need to be klicked away in order to run a game.
    Even worse, with a steam client from after may 23 its not even possible to run a game from its exectable anymore. The client trows two messages, you need to open the client and click 2 similar messages away.

    Anyone has a sultion for this ? Removing/renaming Theater does not help, neither does disabling theater in SteamVR.


    You must lauch the game when steamvr are close.


    Thanks for the hint. Though this is not very user friendly eiter, cause you need to shot down steamvr each time you change to another game :-/


    Normally vorpX should rename the desktop theater .exe automatically and by doing so circumvent this message, at least unless Valve changed how the Steam VR theater mode works.

    Unfortunately I can’t check myself until later next week whether some Steam update maybe changed anything in that regard, but disabling the VR theater mode either in the Steam options or a game’s properties page always worked as an alternative until now. Are you 100% sure that doing that doesn’t help anymore?


    Hi Ralf,

    Dont bother, they ve been raising trouble ever since. i rather use GOG now. The bug, if it was one may have been fixed. For unknown reasons i thought their latest client update was in 11/23, so the issue may have been fixed already. Though i read many people across the web complaining about this. At some point both settings did not have any effect anymore.Thats 100%.


    Thanks for the heads-up. I totally missed that since I use SteamVR extremely rarely myself. Will check whether something has to/can be done on vorpX’s end as soon as I’m back home.


    Oh i forgot, for some stange reasons some games do not show this behave. Seems to be randomly. One reason i can imagine is that the client reads old settings but just doesnt store them enymore.

    Happy holidays :-)

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