Stereoscopic Player

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  • #193818

    Don’t know if I should have put this in the Games Wish List, so I’ll make it a separate topic just in case.

    The original post was this…

    I know this isn’t a game… but it’s a “Wish” nonetheless…
    I found a stereoscopic video player that I’m hoping something can be done to make it work like the VLC Media Player profile.

    The player had support for the old Oculus Rift. Supposedly after you load a “left” and “right” video file, (same file for both) you can choose “Oculus Rift” as a Viewing Method… but it doesn’t activate the Rift S! All it does is split the signal into two lens sized videos playing side by side in a window on the monitor. It’s simply called Stereoscopic Player.
    URL for it is:

    I tried to clone the VLC profile already in the list and replaced the EXE for the player, but it wouldn’t work.


    If a player is already for hmds you shouldn’t even need vorpX to use it, other than that, if you don’t like VLC you should try MPC-HC as vorpX also has a profile for it and is the better player overall.

    For a free stereoscopic player, Deo VR is the best one imo.


    For a free stereoscopic player, Deo VR is the best one imo.

    Does Deo VR have the option to load the same file twice for the left and right eye? or does it split the video for both eyes automatically?

    Stereoscopic Player is free… but it doesn’t activate anything with the Rift S, like it likely did with the original model.

    I want to be able to… for the lack of a better term… force… the vids into a 3D type viewing.


    Stereoscopic Player has the capabilities of running the video file side by side for both eyes to focus on to faux a 3D perspective.

    I believe all it would take is for someone more experience than I am with these things to download the viewer and work his or her magic to force “SP” to run with VorpX and send the “channels” to each eye.

    VorpX can display a game in “cinema mode” and it looks totally 3D on the virtual screen. It can’t be a far cry to do it with a video player, or even one that already has the means to split left and right video “channels”


    Not shure if i can be a help here.
    MPC-HC and VLC, both players show SBS Video and Image material in Stereoscopic 3D with VorpX in any Headset that VorpX supports. Another Free player that you can try is Whirligig (doesnt require vorpx).
    IIRC i tried the austrian player before with vorpx but without success.(Didnt try any futher because it kept loosing settings which was very annoiing)
    Some other software that i reported abou earlier:


    You’re not looking for a stereoscopic player then, vorpX isn’t gonna work out of the box with just any software.

    The best workaround would be to make a SBS video with your 2 video sources in the first place, easily done with FFMPEG. Here you can see the commands to make a fake 3D SBS video from only 1 source, just use the last command to create it using your two sources.

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