Is there any way to get stereoscopic rendering for games not supported yet?
i’m trying to get Mortal Online(not supported) to work with the DK2, and Vorpx works in almost all aspects except the “3d reconstruction” option is not available, so the there is no 3D effect. everything just looks flat. is there anything i can do to force Vorpx to apply stereoscopic rendering? or can only Voprx devs do this?
According to the game’s website it seems to be based on the Unreal engine, so you could try to make a copy of the game’s .exe and rename it to UDK.exe, which *may* work. With an emphasis on *may*. It’s worth a try, but there are no guarantees.
Even if it works, it’s not unlikely that you will see shadow artifacts etc., that would need game specific fixes. So don’t expect a glitch free experience.
i made a copy (in the same folder) of the launcher file, and renamed it UDK.exe, but there is still no stereoscopic rendering. the game launches, and everything works fine (head tracking included) but there is no 3D rendering. the “3D reconstruction” option on the ingame Vorpx menu is set to off, and it wont let me switch it to on. Anything else i could try?