Hi Ralf, thanks for the great product again and keep it updated.
One of constant pain point for me using vorpx is the huge drop in framerate, I have seen your explanation that since VR needs to render two frames every time, it cuts the frame rate by half and plus the additional headroom, it gets even worse. For example in shadow of tomb raider it drops frame rate from over 80 to less than 30 with my 2080 super card, which is almost unplayable at the moment. (even without dx12 and no fancy ray tracing etc).
However, i saw Nvidia is boasting their Single Pass Multi-view or multi view rendering (https://developer.nvidia.com/vrworks/graphics/multiview) and VRS , claiming it will only render frame once for both eyes and claim even 1080 can double the render, then VRSS can lower the performance drop even further. I knew you can force the VRSS support on unofficial support VR games in Nvidia control panel. Have Vorpx thought of using either or both ? It sounds it will greatly improve the frame rate for the games.