Taking advantage of Single Pass Stereo

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  • #103128

    HI There,

    I have to say Vorpx is amazing and it managed to make some of my dreams come true, when it comes to running non-vr games on my Oculus Rift.

    I am however wondering if it would be possible in the future to take advantage of Nvidia’s new “Single Pass Stereo” function.

    There aren’t a lot of information out there so I am not sure if it is something which needs to be implemented on the game engine level or would it be implemented in Vorpx to achieve Z-buffer performance with G3D Quality so to speak.

    Ralf, could you look into the usage of this function ? (not sure if it works only on GTX 10xx or if it would work on any CUDA supporting device)


    Will be looked into as soon as I have access to a GTX10xx card. I’m not overly confident though. This likely has to be implemented directly into a game engine.

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