Has anybody got this game to work yet? I have tried and right at the start it clicks into 3D but after about 10 seconds the display goes back to normal view in the rift (ie headache-o-vision).
if you have, share your set-up please. I have seen the game on you tube but they don’t tell you how they do it.
I know your pretty busy with GTA 5 at the moment, but was wondering if you ever got the support for Test Drive Unlimited 2 on VorpX working?
every time I load up the game with VorpX loaded in the background the loading screen for TU2 freezes and doesn’t go past the “checking files, please wait” prompt.
IIRC I looked into this at one point in the past, but encountered some obstacle that didn’t seem to make it worthwhile, probably the same that you encountered. I’ll give it another shot, but no promises.
I agree that it would be pretty cool in VR (played the first one quite a bit back then), but on the other hand it’s not exactly popular.