Thank You!

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  • #10850

    Now that things are finally slowing down a bit, I’d like to thank all of you for supporting vorpX!

    Some of you experience problems with vorpX beta, a few of you even pretty severe ones, but judging from the amount of people who are asking for help here and elsewhere vs. delivered copies things turned out pretty much like they were to be expected to turn out.

    By the way I’d like to apologize for the authorization process that involved (and for some still involves) far too long waiting times. That wasn’t exactly a brilliant idea. Thanks again for your patience.

    All in all I’m glad, that vorpX can already provide the vast majority of you with quite some serious fun. To those who so far had more issues than fun: everything will be looked into while vorpX matures over the coming months.

    Thanks again to all of you!


    You’ve done a great work. It’s already much more polished than the “beta” status suggests

    Must have been a stressful week for you. Have you even got any sleep the first 3 days?

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