Hi, I have a Rift S and I get this error when i try to run corpConfig.exe: “This application could not be started”. I have Windows 10 1903 with .net 3.5 and 4.8 installed, i allready tried uninstall and install both of them with no luck. I have Avast Antivirus installed and disabled, but also added all Vorpx executables to exception list, but again, no luck.
I also tried the .net fix application from Microsoft, nothing.
I tried with and without SteamVR, uninstall and reinstall Vorpx, closed all clients: Orign, Steam, Nvida Experience, Uplay, etc., nothing
So, i´m not going to reinstall Windows for this, everthing else works just fine, it´s a Vorpx problem or bug, so, please what else could i try?