Tiny flicker

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    Anybody know why I get a tiny flicker while playing in Full VR mode?

    It is like I get a tiny flick of a previous frame while I am playing. It is not something that is a serious problem. It doesn’t prevent me from playing. It is just annoying.

    It (perhaps) occurs when the frame rate drops (but I am not so sure about that)?

    It happens in Geometry or “Z” mode. It has occurred in all of the three games I’ve tested so far (Tomb Raider 2013 (dx9), Half Life 2 Episode 1 (dx9), and Metro Exodus (dx 11)). It doesn’t seem to happen in desktop mode.

    Is there anything I can do about it? Is it a bug?


    In HL2 you might see a frame with the wrong FOV flickering in every once in a while, but that is not supposed to happen in the other two games.

    Please make sure that you don’t have anything else running in the background that also hooks into games. Many other programs also hook into the same functions as vorpX to show ingame notifications and similar things, which can cause issues like this one. Best to disable everything you may have running in the background, especially any GPU/CPU tools, FPS counters, messengers etc.

    ALso try to disable the Steam overlay.


    Closed down everything. No effect. Still the same problem.

    Nothing is hooking anyway. When that happens the game tabs to a vorpX window.

    This is a tiny flicker of a frame in the wrong place. It isn’t there in any other software but the stuff I run through VorpX.


    I’ll check whether something has changed recently in the games you mentioned above.

    Stuff like this usually is caused by other tools that also hook into the Direct3D ‘Present’ functions though. If you happen to have 3D-Vision installed on your PC, please also make sure that is disabled apart from any other tools and overlays.


    Just an update.

    I get this with every game when I play in full VR and Geometry 3d.


    Anybody know why I get a tiny flicker of a frame out of place while playing in Full VR mode?

    It is like I get a tiny flick of a previous frame while I am playing. It is not something that is a serious problem. It doesn’t prevent me from playing. It is just annoying.

    It occurs with every game I play, and only when I play in full VR mode.

    Is there anything I can do about it? Is it a bug?


    I’m getting this exact issue as well.

    Black Mesa is running perfect in VR otherwise. But this random flickering every random interval ruins it.

    The flicker shows a frame of what looks like frame data of the camera’s view + 90 degrees to the left, basically something the player view would never be able to see under normal conditions. What the hell is it doing XD

    1440p set in-game, in vorpX, and the Win10 desktop. No competing processes, steam overlay off, av disabled, Xbox overlay disabled, fresh system install…

    Anything special I could try?

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