Touch controller button rebinding

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    Love playing Black mesa now with Vorpz, great stuff. My trouble is the button bindings, which I partially fixed by rebinding the Crouch and the Jump buttons. I want to rebind the right Stick up/down thumb stick, but its not on the options (only left joystick can be remaped without the use of shift.
    Am I missing something? Thanks


    Can’t really give you any other answer than in the thread below yours. Click.


    OK, that makes sense. Sorry for not seeing that. One last thing, very briefly how does the shift work? (I assume clicking another button and holding it, like the grip button???)


    Left grip button. Per default you should see labels with the active button mapping on the controllers in-game. If you don’t see them, change the ‘Controller Visualization’ option in the menu to get them back, just in case you changed that option before.

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