I have several games where I absolutely need to use touch menus for the extra buttons. For the uniformed, touch menus are when you touch the left or right pad, a menu with up to 12 custom buttons can be selected in a similar way to the steam keyboard. I’ve seen the steam keyboard pop up before, so I’m not sure why touch menus wouldn’t work. Any ideas?
I love that feature in the Steam Controller, I have an old profile for the old skyrim but I never exported it to the new Skyrim SE and I´m playing it with a normal XBOX One controller using VorpX.
I’m unaware of that feature. I’ll take a look at it, but it might collide with how vorpX handles the controllers, so no promises.
vorpX since the beginning has it’s own virtual hotkey system though, which works by looking at “buttons” in front of you. You can freely configure it in the vorpX ingame menu and assign its trigger button (default: SHIFT+mousewheel click) to the Vive controllers.
Start watching at 0:58 seconds. The menus just pop up when you touch one of the trackpads and you select a button by letting go on it. https://youtu.be/IVqfCv1j5tc