I have been using VorpX in ETS2 for years worked great. But now this stupid feature made it unusable. Is there anyway i can get back to the mouse as it whas before. That worked great.
And does any of you know somwhere to download older software of VorpX? I have two and i backed up one so i can still use one of my fav games when another update broke it. But i did not update this time. Stupid me. So now i have one useless VorpX.
You don’t have to use the TrackIR feature. It shouldn’t even be enabled for ETS2 per default. Did you maybe enable it to try it out? Either way, let me know if disabling TrackIR in the vorpX menu (and the game if necessary) doesn’t help.
That doesn’t sound right. Can you maybe disable TrackIR in the game options? vorpX only does anything TrackIR related if it can detect TrackIR support in a game AND you enable TrackIR in the vorpX menu.
Open the config.cfg (located in C:\Users*Your username*\Documents\Euro Truck Simulator 2\Euro Truck Simulator 2) in notepad or notepad++ and look for uset g_trackir “1” change the 1 to a 0
Looked in the wrong config file. This is the solution.
Will try TrackIR with some older games. Thank you for your support.