There used to be a settings screen that you could pull up in the VorpX menu when hitting the delete key. One of the tabs was for TrackIR and in that menu, you could disable mouse tracking.
It seems like with the latest version of VorpX, it doesn’t detect that you have TrackIR detected to show that menu. Any ideas on what I can try? Or is there an older version of VorpX I could download?
Haven’t tried in a while, but I think you need the last regular vorpX 21.3.5, not the 24.1.0 beta. the 21.3.5 build has been whitelisted in SC’s anticheat. Also make sure TrackIR is enabled in the game options. Not 100% sure, but if I remember correctly, SC is one of the games where you have to enable TrackIR manually.