Tridef like features?

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    Good morning! I bought this a couple of weeks ago in hopes it could replace tridef. The desktop vr viewer is good, but it doesnt do any kind of depth generation, ive even tried something like desktopsbs to mirror my desktop and interpolate to watch youtube with some kind of depth, but it doesnt do it right and im just sitting there crossing my eyes lol. Are there any solutions to this maybe im unaware of? Or is there any chance some kind of feature like this can be added eventually? I have no clue what dark magic DDD used in tridefs media player but it would actually be game changing to view 2d content in 3d in the same manor!


    I’m not quite sure whether I fully share your enthusiasm about their 2D conversion back in the day ;), but that aside that’s not something vorpX does or intends to do, sorry. vorpX has several methods to create stereo 3d in games, ranging from directly accessing a game’s camera to using depth data, but taking guesses based on a 2D image alone is not among them.

    Maybe one day when/if more modern AI based approaches that work better are applicable in realtime. Currently those are way too slow though – at least as far as I’m aware.

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