Tron 2.0

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  • #176876

    Hey guys and gals . I’m trying to play tron 2.0 im using a rift cv1 with i8700k gtx1080ti the game does load and there is a game file for it but I get a low fps warning when I start it . I turned graphics to low so hoping that solves that but the game is very twitchy like even if I’m not moving it’s shaky and it feels to zoomed . Any help is appreciated !! Also need to double check order of how I should be starting a game , vorp-oculus-game ?


    vorpX adjusts the FOV (“zoomed in”) in the game’s ini file. After one or two restarts it should be OK, and stay that way. You should see a notification about that in the headset and on the game window when vorpX wants you to restart a game after auto-adjusting settings.

    Caveat: like most games older than ~15 years Tron 2.0 stores settings in its install folder. You need write access to that folder, otherwise vorpX can’t change the settings automatically. If you installed it under C:\Program Files (x86) Windows per default disallows writing to the install folder. The easiest way to address this is to install the game on another drive.

    Just in case: also make sure that you did not accidentally check the “Don’t optimize game settings” checkbox in the config app, otherwise vorpX would not be able to adjust the FOV.

    Not sure about the FPS issue, sorry. Should run with stable 90fps on your machine if everything is OK. Some games get slow with antialiasing enabled, either in the game or forced in the graphics driver, so that’s something worth to check.

    Last but not least: the profile only has been tested against the currently avaliable Steam and GOG versions of the game. It’s not impossible that an older CD-ROM version might not work correcly.


    Checked folder, Maybe I just don’t know what I’m looking at or how to properly start vorp, like I start vorp, then oculus , then the game . It loads I get message saying it needs to restart for settings I do that nothing changes .


    Sounds as if vorpX can’t change the ini files. As suggested above try installing the game on a different drive if possible. Not your C:\ drive.

    Also make sure to use either the Steam or GOG version of the game. Old CD versions might not be covered by the vorpX profile.

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