True 3D in DX12

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  • #220726

    Hi Ralf,

    I’ll ask straight away, is there any chance that there will ever be an update or even a completely new product that will geometrically support 3D in DX12?
    Z3D is not always good and for DX12 is a few profiles only.
    For Z3D in all API exists functional replacement, I purposely do not mention which.
    For full geometry 3D in DX12 mods are slowly emerging, but they are quite complicated. But fully functional including “SingleFrameStereo”.
    VorpX is much more user friendly. Thank you..


    Due to past experiences with discussing plans: news get announced if/when there are news to announce.


    That’s understandable Ralf. This interests me because FS25 is launching soon and it appears this version is DX12 only. I’ve played a lot of hours of FS22 with vorpx using full geometry 3D. Z3D had no 3D effect that I could see in FS22 so everything looked flat and way too big.
    Support for DLSS would also be good to have from a performance perspective.

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