Turn off Screen Display

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  • #96068

    I have had a grand time using VorpX in the past, it is a fantastic application which I have thoroughly enjoyed. Unfortunately since the last update I have been having some issues getting games to run.

    I did get the games to run initially and configured the settings to make the game run as best looking as possible. I also noticed the option to project the original gameplay to a second screen. I don’t think my computer could handle it because the display in the Rift would freeze and the onscreen gameplay would continue.

    If I closed and reopened the game the game would crash before being opened. I don’t mind not having the display on screen but I am unable to open the game to turn it off. Is there any way to turn of external display without opening the game?

    Also for troubleshooting I am running Windows 7 and Oculus runtime


    You can reset game profiles to their default values in the config app (trouble shooting page). This should also reset the mirroring setting.


    I have attempted to do so, but am still seeing a window pop up.
    Sometimes this is happening over top of the game displayed in the HMD.

    I have also attempted to uninstall and re-install. Same thing happens.


    Reinstalling resets all profiles to default.

    To be extra sure you can try to delete the C:\Users\[User]\AppData\Local\Animation Labs\vorpX folder manually before uninstalling, which will remove all profiles, including those that might have been created for unsupported games.

    If the issue still appears afterwards, it’s definitely not related to the mirror window functionality.

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