I think this can be extremely useful for VorpX users,especially when a game requires a different resolution then the default setting (1920×1080). We usually must do several clicks until we finally have changed the monitors resolution. Using high resolutions eg. 3200×2400 becomes very fiddly when changing back to default. So this can be a big and fast help.
I am using the following setup to change to any custom resolution that i need with just one mouseclick.
– Download This program
– Unzip into a folder somewhere on your HD
– In the same folder create a shortcut to the program
– ADD your custon resolution to the end of the command line that it looks like this (example) C:\Games\setres\SetRes.exe v1920 h2560
– Rename shortcut to 2560×1920
– Rightcklick shortcut and click “Pin to Taskbar”
– Do the above with any resolution you want to use
– Click Taskbar->Start-> your shortcut to change Resolution
Note this has been tested with Windows 7, but should work on 8/10 as well.