Two questions about Z3D settings

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    Hi Ralf!

    Since i got my Rift S, i played through The Witcher and The Witcher 2 and had wonderful experiences in Immersive Screen mode (nitpicks: TW1 crashes often with mods, probably an engine problem; and TW2’s shadows were glitchy – they had some parallax errors). Now i just started The Witcher 3 and am still tweaking some settings.

    I play in Z-Normal, because i don’t want to lose shadows, and it runs well.

    Q1: What settings could i tweak to minimize the distortion on the ground in front of me? Would it be better if i set the curvature of the screen to 0? Does the Near/Far weighting have any effect? Or does the 3D strength? Is the distortion worse with bigger or smaller FOV?

    Q2: In Z-Normal the particles don’t render in the same focal plane (fire, particles from bombs etc). Can this be tweaked without breaking something else?


    1. Reducing the screen curvature will help. The more you bend the screen in immersive screen/cinema mode, the more distortion you see, that’s the nature of the beast. Raising the FOV may help to a degree. Near/far in layman terms changes whether you get ‘more 3D’ with objects close to the camera or farther away. Typically best to leave that at default, Z3D base parameters are usually dialed in to provide 3D that looks as natural as possible with Z3D.

    2. If the game doesn’t render the depth values of the particles to its z-buffer there is not much that can be done unfortunately.


    Thanks, Ralf. I tweaked the values yesterday a bit myself, and got it looking better (but maybe my brain just adapted). 3D strength from 2.0 to 1.5 and Near/Far from 0.5 to 0.4. Screen is set a bit farther (0.10) and FOV ingame to 85 (probably vertical).

    1) I couldn’t find the setting for the curvature in Immersive Screen mode, could you give be a pointer?

    2) When you say “if”, you probably tried it yourself already, so there’s no point in me trying to tweak it? Maybe with the Focal Offset setting?


    1. The curvature in immersive screen mode is linked to the distance. The closer you move the screen, the more it wraps around you. Immersive screen is supposed to be as simple as possible settings wise.

    If you want to change the curvature independently, you can do that in cinema mode. With the ‘Scene’ option set to ‘Ambient’ that’s similar to immersive screen mode, but with more fine grained control over individual settings.

    2. There is no way for you tweak it. If the game wrote the depth of the particles to the z-buffer, you would notice that regardless of settings.


    Ah, i see. OK, that’s helpful enough. I’ll try cinema mode to see if it feels better distortion wise.


    Yes! I tried Cinema Mode and adjusted the screen closer (-0.6), then lowered the curvature to 0.4. In comparison to Immersive Screen it now looks more natural, because there’s no distortion on the horizon, and the horizontal edges of the image are not stretched! I love it.

    There’s just one problem. I lost Edge Peek, which i use in cut scenes all the time. Instead there is a magnifier that i don’t need. :)

    I guess i could jump backwards in cut scenes, but i imagine it kinda stressful…

    Is there any possibility to get Edge Peek back?


    EdgePeek isn’t available in cinema mode, wouldn’t really work with the actual cinema scene.


    That’s a shame. In cinema mode, while i can just jump back when a cut scene is playing while standing, it wouldn’t work with seated playing.

    Please consider in the future adding a setting for the curvature in Immersive Screen mode – if possible. I never knew, but it turns out that those games have a FOV that is meant for flat projection.


    I think about it, but likely that won‘t happen. vorpX has far too many settings already and immersive screen mode is explicitly meant for those who prefer a streamlined experience, hence distance and curvature are linked in a sensible way and only really important settings are exposed to the UI.

    You can do 99% of what you like to achieve in cinema mode, which allows to tinker with (almost) everything.


    After playing for a couple of days in Cinema Mode, i am back to Immersive Screen Mode. I missed the edge peek, and i gotta say – the curved screen is really more immersive, despite the perspective distortion at the sides.

    IMO, the only thing that can improve Immersive Screen Mode is to use a projection that takes into account the curvature of the screen. But i’m no expert in such things… :)

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