Unable to hook with Fallout 4

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    I’m finding the new Vorpx along with the CV1 generally doesn’t work with most games in the supported games list. I’d be fine with this as long as it worked with Fallout 4. With Fallout 4, all I see in the headset is the “can’t load vorpxcontrol.exe..” message. Is anyone else having trouble getting Fallout 4 to hook with the CV1?


    If you get this error when starting vorpX, please simply close Oculus Home. There’s a high chance that everything will work just fine afterwards.

    vorpX checks which headset is connected on start. For that it briefly inits the Oculus runtime, checks the headset, and then immediately shuts the runtime down again. This probably confuses the new Oculus software, which isn’t supposed to kick in at all for this check.


    If I close Oculus Home, it automatically launches again. Vorpx is more than happy to crash when I close Oculus Home as well.


    Yes, it will launch again as soon as vorpX hooks into a game. That’s perfectly normal and there is no way to circumvent that.

    The issue with Oculus showing “can’t load vorpxcontrol.exe..”, which is explained above, can be easily solved this way though.

    If despite that you have issues with vorpX hooking into games, please first check the trouble shooting guide in the help in regard to possible injection conflicts with other programs on your PC.

    If you can’t find a cause for the issue, please try starting a game a few times, then go to the trouble shooting page of the config app and send the trouble shoot data archive that you can create there to support |at| vorpx com.


    Closing Oculus Home did not resolve the message. It did get me back to the Please wait screen, but on launching the game, I receive the same message again.

    I can get a game like Borderlands 2 working fine. I went through the troubleshooting help and ensured the Steam overlay was turned off. I disabled anti-virus software. I also shutdown Geforce Experience.

    I emailed the log files as requested.


    Please allow a few days for looking into the logs. It certainly won’t happen today (Sunday). Thanks.


    Thanks for the reply through email. Uninstalling Comodo resolved the problem, but now my system is without anti-viral or firewall protection. Not quite ideal. Working to find another solution.


    Windows 10 has a built in firewall and also a built in antivirus solution (Windows Defender).

    Comodo may be slightly more secure, but that doesn’t come for free. The price you pay is its invasiveness, which can lead to issues like the above. At least it should allow its users to fully exclude applications from scanning.


    I contacted Comodo and they were able to provide me with a fix that seems to work with Vorpx so far. I’ve included a copy below for any curious minds.

    “Goto HIPS settings > add the file in Exclusions under “Detect shellcode Injections”

    The HIPS Settings panel allows you to enable/disable HIPS, set its security level and configure its general behavior.

    The HIPS Settings panel can be accessed by clicking Security Settings > Defense+ > HIPS > ‘HIPS Settings’ tab from ‘Advanced Settings’ interface

    Select Exclusions from “Detect shellcode Injections” add the application. Restart the computer and check the issue.”


    I had to go one step further than this and do the following for both VorpxControl.exe and VorpxControl.dat…

    In HIPS rule there is a rule called “COMODO Internet Security”. Edit its rule and click the Protection Settings tab, next to Interprocess Memory Accesses click the modify link, in that windows click add, files from the list, then within the file explorer windows add the excluded .exe/.dat running processes and ok out all windows.

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