Unreal 1

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  • #183508

    I made a profile for Unreal in G3D and its in the cloud :)


    Man i was so exited about this that i had to try i right away.
    GREAT Info on that DX9 Renderer!

    Unfortunately the HUD of your profile is broken and Guns are 2D only. This afternoon i did some tweaking with a different base profile so i now have a slightly optimized profile that has just enough Depth for an acceptable 3D and a proper Gun sight. Few objects remain at HUD Depth (guess we have to live with that) but i put the rest a bit more in place. Hope you dont mind me putting that up the cloud. (Was trying to get that game to work for AGES !)

    For those who cant watch youtube for some reason:

    Unreal Patch 227i required
    – Rename Unreal.exe to Unreal_1.exe (or Unreal1_Vorpx if you wish to use slydk1982’s profile)
    – best played in FULL VR Mode
    – set FOV (Widescreen) to 110
    – use Edgepeek for HUD view
    – gaining resolution above 1920 makes HUD very small.

    Got a fiew screenshots as well (for the Unofficial List)



    If you wish slydk1982’s profile, rename Unreal to Unreal_vorpx.exe



    Good stuff, guys. One of the very few games that I had always on my HD since I played it first 20 years ago.

    Incidentally I’m right now trying a few things to make your life easier in regard to .exe conflicts with official profiles. The plan is to allow overrides by user profiles and just show a message on game start in that case. Would enable you to freely override any official profile. Less experienced users would still be protected from messing up the profile database without even noticing it though. Best of both worlds.


    wow Ralf, that’s a great idea, thank you for working on this feature :)


    Less experienced users would still be protected from messing up the profile database without even noticing it though.

    May be connecting this to the “Enable expert settings” switch would make sense.I assume thats what you meant.


    I’m thinking of something more sophisticated, i.e. the database keeping track of overrides. Unfortunately that’s a bit more complex to implement than I first imagined given how profile management is done, but should be doable in a day or two.


    Hi m8 :)
    Im glad that you viewed my profile that fast. But I have to ask about a few things.
    You say the hud is broken in my profile, what do you mean?? I can view it just fine with edge peek. Its only broken in my gameplay video coz of obs.
    How did you get the weapons in 3D?? I like to know, so I can be better at making profiles :)
    And how did you end up with 110 fov?? I think 120 fits better, but maybe thats just on my profile :)


    Also, what base profile did you use?? I used Halo.
    And what resolution do you recommend to use with your profile??


    I cant remember the exact settings but IIRC the ingame HUD was one eye only or moving around i think. Your 3D strength was relativeley low , probably thats why the issue with the HUD wasnt much noticable.

    You can always try the Shader Settings ( Enable expert settings required ) to see how they affect different elements of the game. You can also try different game engines (in this case early DX9 engines) and see if elements are rendered differently, then use the Shader Settings to make corrections.

    If a HUD element is one eye only or not placed properly you can try settings like “no transform” or “HUD” for example, but you need to keep in eye that other elements may use the same shader like this game. So a compromise must be made by using a shader setting that doesnt mess up the 3D of the corresponding elements too much.

    An alternative if anything fails and only HUD elements remain broken is Edgepeek+3D OFF, but this is not really good for a descent profile creation.

    You can of coarse use 120 just use what suits best for the headset youre using. I thought i recommend a high value, 80 or 90 wouldnt have made sense.

    Resolution: Use the highest that you can afford ,i used 1920 x 1440 and the game looked awesome, but with relatively small HUD elements. (Health counter ect)


    I looked at your profile and now I know why it looked at bit funky on my system. Its bcoz I use HD weapon skins.
    So I made a new profile, its a bit of mine and a bit of yours :)
    Unreal 1 (G3D)[Update]

    It works just like my first profile :)

    – Unreal Patch 227i required
    – Rename Unreal.exe to Unreal_vorpx.exe
    – best played in FULL VR Mode in 1920×1080
    – set FOV (Widescreen) to 120
    – use Edgepeek for HUD view


    Great ! Thanks for your work.


    I wanna say the same thing to you :) Thank for your work :) Without you, we wouldnt get 3D weapons and working crosshair ;)


    good work i have tested the profil yesterday. Unreal 1 Hud is very small and 3d strange must very high 5.00 but the weapon are very small too.Game is good playable but not perfect.Can you help Ralf?


    @Spacelexar try the “Unreal(G3D)” profile for more depth, Weapons should have normal size at any resolution . See screenshot above.

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