Update on Pimax8k and Twitch, Youtube, Obs StreamLabs integration

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  • #173701

    Ralf are you going to get a pimax8k and is it going to be supported with full 200 degree fov?

    Would it be possible to add support for Restream.io which allows you to drag a chat window onto the screen in your game?

    Or maybe OBS Streamlabs integration which allows you to check chat, donations, follows and subscriptions?

    I know its possible to use text to speech which I will end up using if no other method is possible. Thanks!


    Use ovrdrop on steam.


    Yes +1 keen for Pimax support !


    Pretty sure Ralf has answered this a few times and has said he has not ordered a Pimax headset yet. I’m sure he’s open to a donation of one though ;-)

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