With VorpXs ability to render out Left and Right eye images, has anyone explored repurposing it not to display in a VR headset but instead through a 3D projector(s)? (Either passive or active 3D)
If not possible, could ReShade and or Virtual Desktop’s Over/Under SBS be repurposed to work?
While I donĀ“t currently have a 3D projector, vorpx should work fine with it because it has the “generic 3D display” option. I have used it with my 3D tv, so a projector should work also.
Just bought my first 3D (laser) projector, some profiles looks great out of the box, some launch fine but without any 3D depth even if vorpx shows that geometry/z-normal should be active and some profiles just show garbled mess.
Its good to have options, while other games are suited better for vr, some are better fit for flat 3d screens.