hi guys sorry be a pain
i play a few vr titles
but when i use vorpx it seems the play is very very close and i cant seem to get it right ?
please help as i think vorpx ix great but cant seem to get it right which causes me to not use it :( i have a wmr dell which is great im saving for a pimax 8
If you mean it looks to zoomed in, that probably means your Field of View (FOV) is not set correctly.
Which games are you trying to play? If they are supported by DirectVR scan, then pushing Alt+L once loaded into the game world should fix this problem.
ok ill try that thanks
tbh its most of them battlefield 1 and 5 i tried 4 same
metro exodus cant see icons cause too close and have to go into cinema mode to read menu
There are two guides in the vorpX help that help you understand a few basic concepts. Both the “Essential Hints Guide” and the “Quickstart Guide” contain valuable information. For example they explain FOV or how to deal with menus using the EdgePeek function (pressing the middle mouse button).
Apart from that check this list of games for beginners. It contains 50 or so games that work without additional setup, so you can hop right into the action.