Very Poor Performance, Every Game.

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  • #101891

    I just got my CV1 today and I’ve tried the following games with vorpX:
    -GTA V
    -Arma 3
    -Far Cry 4

    Not a single one is playable. The audio is broken and laggy, the FPS are so low that I can hardly move around in the game. I’ve tried a few tweaks, even lowered the resolution but it doesn’t make sense.

    I was able to play DCS World, a game arguably more demanding than usual, just fine with NO LAG and perfect audio.

    6600k @ 4.6Ghz
    GTX 980Ti Superclocked
    32GB DDR4
    All games running from Samsung Evo SSD.


    Can you share with me the exact procedure you perform to star up any game? Because I got to play and I havent played one yet.


    Just by running the executable.


    I’m starting to get white windowed screens for the games I try on the monitor and please wait and then the “sorry, we’re having trouble loading XXXX.exe” but the audio works and the headset is hooked to the game as a mouse just not visual

    I literally can’t hear the game reacting to my head movement with the mouse over…


    Maybe I’m doing something wrong? I have the wrong drivers or something? Because even VLC is super laggy and the sound is all glitchy.

    I have the latest nvidia drivers.

    Any thoughts from anyone?


    same symptoms.
    I’ve no idea what to do about this. Updated all drivers, Oculus works like a charm with other programs, running Solus Project with full specs, no problemo.
    Any game I run with VorpX, and even videos in VLC or MPC – choppy as hell, unbearable audio lag, FPS dump.
    Any help, VorpX?

    My rig:

    I5-6600 @3.30 ghz
    16gb DDR4
    GTX 970 Strix
    Corsair MK2
    MSI z170 A PCMate


    Please double check for any program that also hooks into games and thus may cause a conflict with vorpX. Typical cases would be: virus scanner, GPU/CPU utilites, some chat programs, game video streaming/recording software and generally everything that can show notifications in games.

    The easisest to trouble shoot this is to disable everything that runs in the background and see whether that helps.


    Ok, here it is:

    I run Windows 10 on a different SDD, same computer:

    I5-6600 @3.30 ghz
    16gb DDR4
    GTX 970 Strix
    Corsair MK2
    MSI z170 A PCMate

    I tried to install the Oculus on that SDD, had to perform a firmware update for the Oculus.
    And VorpX does a GREAT job. Skyrim, maxed out settings, no jitter, no lag, just a sweet ride.
    I prefer run VorpX on my main setup with W7.
    Any idea what driver/problem it could be that prevents Vorpx from performing as well on W7 as it does on Windows 10?


    Btw. I tried to kill unnecessary progs and routines running in the background, aswell as turning off ESET. Had no effect on performance under W7.

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